Christmas Angel

Today I have the privilege of hosting Karlene Petitt, an airline pilot and accomplished writer. Enjoy her post and then skip over to her site, Flight To Success, and read my guest post there. She’s so may light years ahead of me as a pilot I hesitated to post a flying story on her blogsite, but she was kind enough to let me, so check it out—after you read hers.

The stories of my life are many, and when my memoir, Flying into the Wind becomes available, we’ll hear them all. But since it’s December—a time for Christmas Angels and miracles—I’ve selected a story especially for the season of believing in both.

The month—December. The day—Sunday. I was nineteen-years-old, and a low-time pilot building my flight hours. I arrived at the airport early, and the sun had just crested the crystal blue skyline. Mt. Rainier was standing at least 28,000 feet tall. Temperatures were below freezing and frost covered my wings—not much, just a thin layer. There was not a soul around on this early morning. Not a noise other than the crunch of frozen ground beneath my boots.

As I looked at the frost on my wings, and thought, “It’s not much, and the sun will melt it.” I untied one wing. I walked around the plane, touching, looking, and checking the ailerons and elevators. I untied the tail. All the while thinking, “It’s a beautiful day to fly…but what about the frost?” I reached the last tie-down and looked at the left wing. Once again, I wondered if there is too much frost on the wings. Then I decided it would be fine. I untied the second rope, and with the end still in my hand, a man appeared out of nowhere.

“Good morning,” he said. “It’s a beautiful day to fly.”

“Good morning,” I replied. “Yes, it is.”

“I was going to fly,” he said, “but I thought there might be too much frost on the wings.”

“I was thinking the exact same thing,” I said as I proceeded to tie down the left wing, as if that’s what I was doing all along.

“Let me help you,” he said. Picking up the other rope he proceeded to tie down the right wing and then he turned and walked away.

I never heard a car. There was nobody at the local FBO. I looked down the ramp where he headed, and he was nowhere in sight. This stranger stepped into my life, and spoke exactly what I was thinking (I just wasn’t listening to myself). He gave me guidance, tied down my plane, and then walked away. He disappeared.

There was too much frost on my wings. I learned that shortly thereafter. Had I attempted to take that plane into the sky, the consequences could have been devastating. I’m thinking there are signs, messages, miracles, and angels all around. We just have to listen to them.

Happy Holidays!

XOX Karlene

For thclip_image002ose of you who don’t know me, my name is Karlene Petitt and I write an ‘eclectic’ aviation blog Flight To Successa place where I motivate, educate, support and inspire anyone following their dreams. I’ve also written my first novel, Flight For Control. Hopefully it will be available by Christmas, 2011.

Flight For Control is an aviation thriller that reads like a mystery. How did I come to write such a book? Well, on top of my writing career, I am an International Airline Pilot who is type-rated and have flown and/or instructed on the B744, B747, B757, B767, B737, B727 and A330 aircraft. I’ve been flying for about 33-years and have worked for Coastal Airways, Evergreen, Braniff, Premair, America West, Guyana, Tower Air, Northwest Airlines and I currently fly an Airbus for Delta.

Writing has always been a passion, but until two years ago, I had only focused on airline training programs, and papers for school. I’ve spent thousands of hours training pilots in full-motion simulators, and in addition to the eight airlines I’ve worked for, I’m the mother of three, and grandmother of five… number six is due next march. I live in Seattle, Washington, and hold MBA and MHS degrees.

About David N. Walker

David N. Walker is a Christian husband, father and grandfather, a grounded pilot and a near-scratch golfer who had to give up the game because of shoulder problems. A graduate of Duke University, he spent 42 years in the health insurance industry, during which time he traveled much of the United States. He started writing about 20 years ago and has been a member and leader in several writers' groups. Christianity 101: The Simplified Christian Life, the devotional Heaven Sent and the novella series, Fancy, are now available in paperback and in Kindle and Nook formats, as well as through Smashwords and Kobo. See information about both of these by clicking "Books" above.
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11 Responses to Christmas Angel

  1. Karlene says:

    Thank you JA! Maybe we all need to believe a little more in our lives for miracles to happen. Thanks for the comment.


  2. Karlene says:

    Yes Nigel, it was a really good thing. And… that he said something too. I’ve made it a point in my life when I see something … I speak out. Maybe we all can be someone’s guardian angel.


  3. I’ve had the same feeling from time to time. I can know things, and realize things, but casually ignore their importance until someone points it out – and then it’s blindingly obvious. Sounds like a good thing that guy was there 🙂



  4. That is a great story! I truly believe in angels watching over us, and this is just one more confirmation of that!


  5. Karlene says:

    Susie, isn’t it amazing. Yes… there are. A year ago I had came off the freeway, and the rain was pouring. The light ahead turned yellow, and I had more than enough room to stop. But the second my foot came off the brake, I heard a voice say, “Don’t stop. Keep driving.” I looked left (the intersection was a T) and nobody was coming so I kept driving. That all happened fairly fast. Once through the intersection there was a car right off my bumper. He had run the red light. He could not have stopped had I stopped as I should have. His car would have slammed into mine. Yes… angels everywhere. We just have to be open and listen.


  6. Karlene says:

    Thank you David, this was fun branching out. It’s been a busy day, but I’m finally able to drop back by and say good night. Or morning as the case may be.


  7. Karlene says:

    Thank you Angela, I do too. And, there are more stories than this that I’ve been guided and will never doubt. Thanks for saying hi!


  8. You’re absolutely right, Angela. We can’t begin to know how often they’ve intervened to save us from all sorts of ills.


  9. Loved the story. Thanks again for the blog swap, Karlene.


  10. susielindau says:

    That gave me shivers!
    The same thing happened to us a long time ago on 1-70 going up to the Eisenhower Tunnel. Without telling the whole story, we had been stuck in traffic in a snowstorm for hours and thought we might ski back down to Frisco, when a man appeared. There are angels all around us!


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